
Getting Started

  1. Install BonVision from the package manager, make sure to select Community Packages for the package source dropdown. The Bonsai package manager
  2. This should also install the Bonsai.Shaders package as a dependency, check it is installed in the installed tab.

Exercise 1: Rendering a 3D model

Setting up a model render

  • Create a the display initialisation branch: CreateWindow –> BonVisionResources –> MeshResources –> LoadResources.
  • Download a 3D model from the course repository e.g. icosphere.obj.
  • Double-click MeshResources and add the downloaded model as a TexturedModel, give it a name like icosphere.
  • In a new branch create a RenderFrame source and insert a PerspectiveView from BonVision. Publish the output as a PublishSubject called DrawCall.
  • In a new branch, subscribe to DrawCall and insert a DrawModel from BonVision. In draw model select the imported 3D model in the MeshName property.
  • When you the run the workflow you should see the rendered 3D object.
  • In the workflow so far, what does the output of PerspectiveView represent? In which shader and to what property is this output applied? (HINT: Use right-click » Go to definition… on the BonVision nodes to explore).
  • Try changing the color of the rendered object using the albedo property.
  • Try adjusting the scale, rotation and position of the rendered object.
  • Try adjusting the properties of PerspectiveView - how do they affect the rendering of the object?
  • Try adding other models to the rendered scene.

Exercise 2: Animating scene objects

Animating a model

  • Externalize the RotationY property of DrawModel (right-click).
  • Create a RangeAnimation operator. Set its duration to 3s, and have it move between 0-359 (RangeBegin : RangeEnd).
  • Add a Repeat to cycle this animation infinitely.
  • Insert a DegreeToRadian from the Numerics package and hook the output to the RotationY property.
  • The object should now spin on the y-axis.
  • Try and implement other animations. E.g. can you make the object bob up and down? (HINT: Use the Sin operator from the Numerics package).

Exercise 3: Benchmarking screen round-trip latency

In a previous worksheet (closed-loop) we measure the closed-loop latency of our Arduino serial port with a digital-feedback test. Here we will adapt this method to estimate the closed-loop latency of our display system.

Init closed loop

  • Insert a CreateWindow, BonVisionResources, LoadResources in a branch.
  • In a new branch create a BehaviorSubject to store a color value (call it something like CurColor), initialised with CreateVector4 with all properties as 1 to start with a white color.

Init closed loop

  • In a separate branch add a RenderFrame.
  • We only need a 2D environment for this benchmark so we’ll insert a NormalizedView.
  • Every render call, we want to draw a 2D plane with the most recent set color. Use a WithLatestFrom that has a subscription to CurColor as the 2nd input.
  • Can you explain why we use a BehaviorSubject in this context?
  • Output the color item from WithLatestFrom and use it to update color property of the Color shader with UpdateUniform.
  • Finally, insert DrawMesh with the Plane mesh and Color shader.

Closing the loop

To close the loop, we want to use a photodetector (in this case the analog grayscale sensor) to switch the current color to a contrasting color whenever it detects a change: e.g. detect white –> change to black –> detect black –> change to white …

  • Shown above is a partially completed part of the workflow to achieve this.
  • AnalogInput is used to sample an analog port with a grayscale sensor connected.
  • LessThan and DistinctUntilChanged are used to produce boolean events whenever the light level crosses a particular threshold.
  • Complete this part of the workflow to produce a feedback switching behavior (HINT: refer back to Ex. 1 of the closed loop worksheet).
  • Once this is working, how can you extend/modify this workflow to estimate the closed-loop latency?

  • Optional: Can you create a workflow that measures and estimates input latency? Input latency is the time from a user-input (e.g. key press, button push) until a change appears on screen in response (e.g. color change).

Exercise 4: Closed-loop VR

In this exercise, we will build a 3D scene that reacts to a tracked ‘real-world’ object. By moving the scene view relative to this object we’ll turn the monitor into a simple augmented reality window. To begin we’ll set up the object tracking.

VR tracking

  • For this task, we want to be able to track an object in 3 dimensions:
    • X: Horizontal movement (i.e. left to right)
    • Y: Vertical movement (i.e. up and down)
    • Z: Forward movement (i.e. closed and further from the camera / screen)
  • A convenient way to track the Z-axis is to have a tracked object with two same-colored markers at a fixed distance from each other. During tracking we can use the pixel-distance between these two markers as a proxy for distance.
    • In the camera view, as the object approaches the camera, the two markers will have a greater pixel distance between them.
  • Set up a color tracking workflow that includes BinaryRegionAnalysis to track the object markers.
  • Insert a Condition that filters the stream to include only events when both markers are present.
  • Branch from the Condition and create 3 PythonTransform operators to calculate:
    • Z-axis (distance from camera)
    • X-axis (lateral position relative to camera)
    • Y-axis (vertical position relative to camera)
  • Use Rescale to remap the outputs of these calculations. We want to convert pixel space to ‘physical’ distance in the 3D environment.
    • For example in the X-axis, if the camera image is 640 pixels wide, we would want to map 0:640 pixels to e.g. -2:2.
  • Use CombineLatest to pack the rescaled outputs together.
  • Use ExpressionTransform to convert the Tuple output to a dynamic class with named properties:
new (
  it.Item1 as Distance,
  it.Item2 as Lateral,
  it.Item3 as Vertical
  • Use a PublishSubject called Tracking to publish this class.

Visual environment

  • Set up the 3D visual environment.
  • For MeshResources you can download 3D models from the course repository.
  • Double-click on MeshResources and add some downloaded models (Add » TexturedModel).
  • In a separate branch create a RenderFrame followed by a PerspectiveView. Create a PublishSubject to publish the PerspectiveView data (ViewMatrix, PerspectiveMatrix).
  • In a separate branch (or multiple separate branches) use the DrawModel operator to populate the 3D scene. Use the MeshName property to select a model from MeshResources.
  • Experiment with the properties of each DrawModel operator to modify the position and appearance of objects in the scene.
  • Experiment with using externalized properties of the DrawModel operators to dynamically modify these properties.

Visual environment

  • Subscribe to the Tracking subject and use it to populate a CreateVector3.
    • Use an InputMapping to populate the vector, try and determine which tracked axes correspond to X, Y, Z of this translation vector.
  • Externalize the Eye property of PerspectiveView which defines ‘camera’ position in the scene and connect the CreateVector3.
  • Run the workflow and observe the results in the display window.

Challenge (optional): Endless runner

  • Create an ‘endless runner’ style game in Bonsai.

Example specs:

  • Player constantly moves forward through space, can adjust lateral movement via camera object tracking.
  • Obstacles spawn at random at some distance from the player and get closer as player moves forward, these objects must be avoided (or navigated towards e.g. score pickups).
    • How can you detect ‘collisions’? Determining whether the player has interacted with or avoided an object.
  • Player accumulates score over time (can you display this score on the display window?).
  • If the player collides with an obstacle, the game resets.