
Getting Started

  1. Install BonVision from the package manager, make sure to select Community Packages for the package source dropdown. The Bonsai package manager
  2. This should also install the Bonsai.Shaders package as a dependency, check it is installed in the installed tab.

Exercise 1: Creating a display window, loading resources

Setting up a window

  • Create a CreateWindow source.
  • Insert BonVisionResources.
  • Insert ShaderResources.
  • Insert LoadResources.
  • Run the workflow to check it creates a display window.
  • Try altering the properties of the CreateWindow source (e.g. ClearColor).

Exercise 2: Rendering a plane

Rendering a plane

  • Create a RenderFrame source.
  • Insert an OrthographicView.
  • Create a subject for this branch with PublishSubject called ‘DrawCall’.
  • Set the boundaries of the OrthographicView to a -1:1 basis (bottom: -1, left: -1, top: 1, right: 1).
  • Subscribe to the DrawCall subject.
  • Insert a CreateVector4.
  • Insert an UpdateUniform. Set the ShaderName to ‘Color’ and the UniformName to ‘color’.
  • Insert a DrawMesh. Set the MeshName to ‘Plane’ and the ShaderName to ‘Color’.
  • Run the workflow and check that the plane is being rendered in the display window.
  • What happens when the CreateVector4 parameters are changed?
  • Look at the Color shader, can you explain its behaviour in response to changes in CreateVector4?

Exercise 3: Creating a custom fragment shader

  • Create a new shader file called posColor.frag and add the following code:
#version 400
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;

void main() {
    fragColor = vec4(texCoord.x, texCoord.y, 0.0, 1.0);
  • Edit ShaderResources (double-click) and add a new Material.
    • Add ‘posColor’ in the Name field.
    • Select the posColor.frag shader file created in the previous step as the FragmentShader.
    • We’ll borrow the vertex shader from BonVision for now, paste BonVision:Shaders.Quad.vert in the VertexShader field.
    • Close the Shader configuration editor with OK.

Custom shader plane

  • Remove CreateVector4 and UpdateUniform from the DrawCall branch.
  • Change ShaderName on DrawMesh to posColor.
  • Run the workflow and observe the color profile of the rendered quad. Can you explain the color gradient pattern?

Scale quad

  • Add a Scale after the DrawCall subscription and set X: 2, Y: 2.
  • Insert an UpdateUniform, set the ShaderName to posColor and the UniformName to transform. Which shader is this uniform targeting?

Exercise 4: Dynamically updating shader properties

  • Update the posColor.frag shader file to include a new uniform double property and use it as a parameter of the output fragColor:
#version 400
uniform double dVal;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;

void main() {
    fragColor = vec4(texCoord.x, texCoord.y, dVal, 1.0);

Note: a uniform is another type of shader variable declaration similar to in and out. A uniform variable has the distinction that it remains constant across invocation of all shader stages, while in and out may vary at different shader stages.

Dynamic uniform update

  • In a new branch add a MouseMove source.
  • Insert NormalizedDeviceCoordinates to normalize mouse position relative to the display window size, and expose the X coordinate output.
  • Insert Rescale to remap the X coordinate between 0 and 1 (Max: 1, Min: -1, RangeMax: 1, RangeMin: 0).
  • Insert an UpdateUniform with ShaderName as posColor and UniformName as dVal

Exercise 5: Working with time

Aside from spatial information, we may also want our shader to be dynamic in time.

  • Update the posColor.frag shader to file to include a new uniform float to represent time.
  • Change the fragColor output to vary with time in one of the color channels:
#version 400
uniform double dVal;
uniform float time;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;

void main() {
    fragColor = vec4(texCoord.x, sin(time), dVal, 1.0);

Dynamic time update

  • Update the Bonsai workflow to Accumulate the elapsed time of RenderFrame. What does this accumulation represent?
  • Convert the output to a float with ExpressionTransform.
    • Convert.ToSingle(it)
  • Use the result to update the time property of the shader with UpdateUniform

You should now have a fragment shader that adjusts its color with:

  1. Spatial position of the pixel on screen
  2. Time since the start of display
  3. User input
  • Optional: experiment with using other GLSL core functions to produce different shader behaviors based on this input data.

Exercise 6: Audio visualizer

  • Create a new shader file fractalPyramid.frag:

Note: This exercise uses a shader adapted from an existing ShaderToy example. You can optionally use a different shader from this site and adapt it yourself.

#version 400
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;

uniform float iTime;
uniform vec2 offset = vec2(0.5, 0.5);
uniform float SCALE = 100;
uniform float mod = 1.0;

vec3 palette(float d){
	return mix(vec3(0.2,0.7,0.9),vec3(1.,0.,1.),d);

vec2 rotate(vec2 p,float a){
	float c = cos(a);
    float s = sin(a);
    return p*mat2(c,s,-s,c);

float map(vec3 p){
    for( int i = 0; i<8; ++i){
        float t = iTime*0.2;
        p.xz =rotate(p.xz,t);
        p.xy =rotate(p.xy,t*1.89);
        p.xz = abs(p.xz);
	return dot(sign(p),p)/5.;

vec4 rm (vec3 ro, vec3 rd){
    float t = 0.;
    vec3 col = vec3(0.);
    float d;
    for(float i =0.; i<64.; i++){
		vec3 p = ro + rd*t;
        d = map(p)*.5;
    return vec4(col,1./(d*100.));

void main() {
    vec2 uv = (texCoord - offset) * SCALE * (1.0/mod);
    vec3 ro = vec3(0.,0.,-50.);
    ro.xz = rotate(ro.xz,iTime);

    vec3 cf = normalize(-ro);
    vec3 cs = normalize(cross(cf,vec3(0.,1.,0.)));
    vec3 cu = normalize(cross(cf,cs));

    vec3 uuv = ro+cf*3. + uv.x*cs + uv.y*cu;
    vec3 rd = normalize(uuv-ro);
    vec4 col = rm(ro,rd);

    fragColor = col;

//Adapted from

Time step initialisation

  • Set up a display window and resource loading as before.
  • Create a new material in the ShaderResources. Use fractalPyramid.frag as the FragmentShader and use the same vertex shader as before BonVision:Shaders.Quad.vert.
  • Expose the TimeStep.ElapsedTime property from RenderFrame and use Accumulate to accumulate the value.
  • Convert the data type of the Accumulate output to a float with an ExpressionTransform
    • Convert.ToSingle(it)
  • Use the output of ExpressionTransform to UpdateUniform of the iTime uniform in the fractalPyramid shader.

Audio visualizer

  • To get an audio feedback value we’ll construct a branch that acts as an audio amplitude filter.
  • Create an AudioCapture source, then a Pow operator with the power set to 2. This will give us an absolute amplitude from the audio buffer.
  • Use Average to average the buffer amplitude to a single value, then expose the Val0 output property.
  • Use another Pow to rescale the output (e.g. 0.5) and use a PublishSubject called e.g. AudioLevel
  • In a different branch, subscribe to DrawCall again and Scale the plane as before.
  • Use WithLatestFrom to pair the outputs with the latest AudioLevel value, using an ExpressionTransform to convert the type to a float.
  • Use the audio value output of WithLatestFrom to update the mod property of the fractalPyramid shader.
  • The rendered plane should now react to both time and audio level acting as a simple audio visualizer.

Exercise 7: Using textures

Instead of setting pixel color programatically, we can sample pixel colors from a pre-defined texture.

  • Create a new fragment shader called textureShader.frag:
#version 400
uniform sampler2D tex;
in vec2 texCoord;
out vec4 fragColor;

void main() {
    vec4 texel = texture(tex, texCoord);

    fragColor = texel;
  • We are using a new property type sampler2D to represent our input texture here, as well as another built-in GLSL function texture to retrieve texels (a.k.a. pixel colors) from our texture

Texture rendering

  • To render our texture we need to add another resource operator TextureResources in the initialisation branch. Download a texture to use from the course GitHub. Double-click TextureResources and add a new ImageTexture and give it a Name (e.g. vertGrat). For the FileName property, use the dialog to select the downloaded texture.
  • Subscribe to DrawCall and Scale the final DrawMesh as before.
  • Add a BindTexture operator after UpdateUniform and bind your named texture (set in the TextureName field) to the textureShader shader.
  • You should now see the texture rendered in the display window when the workflow is run.

Exercise 8: Camera textures

We can also dynamically update the texture that is passed to the shader. We can use this to e.g. manipulate a camera feed.

Dynamic textures

  • Add a new Texture2D texture to the TextureResources operator and name it something like DynamicTexture.
  • Change the BindTexture operator to bind to this new texture instead of the image texture.
  • Use a CameraCapture and Flip operator to produce a camera feed.
  • Connect this to an UpdateTexture with TextureName set to DynamicTexture to update the texture on each new camera image.
  • You should now see the camera feed rendered in the display window.

Optional: Now that you have a camera image rendered via a texture and shader, you can take advantage of GPU acceleration to produce interesting image effects. Try and write a new fragment shader to manipulate the camera image, for example combining the image with a 2nd texture or applying a sobel filter for edge detection.