
BonVision Course 2018

This training course will introduce you to the basic concepts of the BonVision modules for generating interactive visual stimulus. As a requirement for the course, you will need to know basic concepts of the Bonsai visual programming language. Specifically, you should be comfortable with:

  • How to use Bonsai to create basic data acquisition and processing pipelines
  • What is a Bonsai workflow and what it represents
  • What is a marble diagram and how to read it
  • What is an observable sequence

In the Worksheets section you will find a set of basic exercises to help you get familiar with Bonsai.

Course Schedule

Time Tuesday, 2nd Tuesday, 9th
2pm BonVision Demo Closed-Loop and Synching
3pm Sequencing and Scheduling Developing Custom Stimulus
4pm Rig Calibration Projects