State Machines

When designing operant behaviour assays in systems neuroscience, it is useful to describe the task as a sequence of states that the system goes through (e.g. stimulus on, stimulus off, reward, inter-trial interval, etc). Progression through these states is driven by events, which can be either internal or external to the system (e.g. button press, timeout, stimulus offset, movement onset). It is common to describe the interplay between states and events in the form of a finite-state machine diagram, or graph, where nodes are states, and arrows are events.

For example, a simple reaction time task where the subject needs to press a button as fast as possible following a stimulus is described in the following diagram:

The task begins with an inter-trial interval (ITI), followed by stimulus presentation. After stimulus onset, advancement to the next state can happen only when the subject presses the button (success trial) or a timeout elapses (miss trial). Depending on which event is triggered first, the task advances either to the reward state, or missed state. At the end, the task goes back to the beginning of the ITI state for the next trial.

The exercises below will show you how to translate the above diagram of states and events into an equivalent Bonsai workflow, which can be easily adapted and modified to describe many different operant behaviour tasks.

Exercise 1: Declaring and logging external events

In this worksheet, we will be using an Arduino or a camera as an interface to detect external behaviour events. For experimental purposes, it is very helpful to record and timestamp all of these events, independently of which state the task is in.

  • Connect a digital sensor (e.g. beam-break, button, TTL) into Arduino pin 8.
  • Insert a DigitalInput source and set it to Arduino pin 8.
  • Insert a Timestamp combinator.
  • Insert a CsvWriter sink and configure its FileName property with a file name ending in .csv.
  • Run the workflow and activate the digital sensor a couple of times. Stop the workflow and confirm that the events were successfully timestamped and logged in the .csv file.

Exercise 2: Inter-trial interval and stimulus presentation

Translating a state machine diagram into a Bonsai workflow begins by identifying the initial state of the task (i.e. the beginning of each trial). It is often convenient to consider the inter-trial interval period as the initial state, followed by stimulus presentation.

  • Insert a Timer source and set its DueTime property to be about 3 seconds.
  • Insert a Sink operator and set its Name property to StimulusOn.
  • Double-click on the Sink node to open up its internal specification.

The Sink operator allows you to specify arbitrary processing side-effects without affecting the original flow of events. It is often used to trigger and control stimulus presentation in response to events in the task. Inside the internal specification, Source1 represents input events arriving at the sink. In the specific case of Sink operators, the WorkflowOutput node can be safely ignored.

  • Insert a Boolean operator following Source1 and set its Value property to True.
  • Insert a DigitalOutput sink and connect it to Arduino pin 13.
  • Run the workflow a couple of times and verify that the sequence of events is progressing correctly.

Note: Opening a new connection to the Arduino can take several seconds due to the way the Firmata protocol is implemented. This may introduce a slight delay in starting the task. This delay is only present at the start of the workflow and will not affect the behavior of the state machine.

  • In the main top-level workflow, insert a Delay operator and set its DueTime property to a couple of seconds.
  • Copy the StimulusOn operator and insert it after the Delay (you can either copy-paste or recreate it from scratch).
  • Rename the new operator to StimulusOff and double-click it to open up its internal representation.
  • Set the Value property of the Boolean operator to False.
  • Run the workflow a couple of times. Is it behaving as you would expect?
  • Insert a Repeat operator after the StimulusOff.
  • Run the worklow. Can you describe in your own words what is happening?
  • Optional: Draw a marble diagram for Timer, StimulusOn, Delay, and Repeat.

Exercise 3: Driving state transitions with external behaviour events

  • Delete the Delay operator.
  • Insert a SelectMany operator after StimulusOn, and set its Name property to Response.
  • Double-click on the SelectMany node to open up its internal specification.

The SelectMany operator is used here to create a new state for every input event. Source1 represents the input event that created the state, and WorkflowOutput will be used to report the end result from the state (e.g. whether the response was a success or failure).

  • Insert a DigitalInput source and set it to Arduino pin 8.
  • Insert a Take operator and set its Count property to 1.
  • Insert a Boolean operator and set its Value property to True.
  • Delete the Source1 operator.
  • Connect the Boolean operator to WorkflowOutput.
  • Run the workflow a couple of times. Is it behaving as you would expect?

Exercise 4: Timeout and choice

  • Still inside the SelectMany, insert a Timer source and set its DueTime property to be about 1 second.
  • Insert a Boolean operator and set its Value property to False.
  • Insert the Amb combinator and connect to it both of the Boolean operators.
  • Connect the output of Amb to WorkflowOutput.
  • Run the workflow a couple of times, open the visualizer of the Response node, and describe what is being plotted.

Exercise 5: Specifying conditional task outcomes

  • Insert a Condition operator after the StimulusOff node, and set its Name property to Success.

  • Insert another Condition operator in a new branch off the StimulusOff node, and set its Name property to Miss.
  • Double-click on the Condition operator to open up its internal specification.
  • Insert a BitwiseNot operator after Source1.

  • In the top-level workflow, insert a Merge operator and connect to it the outputs of both conditional branches.

Exercise 6 (Optional): 2-alternative forced choice task

Exercise 7 (Optional): Conditional place-preference