Acquisition and Tracking

Getting Started

  1. Download Bonsai from
  2. Install Bonsai - Starter Pack from the package manager. The Bonsai package manager
  3. Click the Updates tab on the left side of the screen and install any available upgrades.
  4. Read for an introduction to the user interface.

Video Acquisition

Bonsai can be used to acquire and record data from many different devices. The exercises below will make you comfortable with the most common Bonsai data types. The first data type we will discuss is an image, which is represented as a 2D matrix of pixels. Each pixel represents either a brightness value in a grayscale image, or a BGR colour value in a colour image.

Exercise 1: Saving a video

Saving a video

  • Insert a CameraCapture source.
  • Insert a VideoWriter sink.
  • Configure the FileName property of the VideoWriter operator with a file name ending in .avi.
  • Run the workflow and check that it generates a valid video file.

Exercise 2: Saving a grayscale video

Saving a grayscale video

  • Insert a Grayscale transform between CameraCapture and VideoWriter.
  • Run the workflow. The output should now be a grayscale movie.
  • Modify the workflow so that it records both a colour and a grayscale movie.

Audio Acquisition

Audio data is captured at much higher temporal sampling frequencies than video. However, the data is typically buffered into chunks of multiple samples before being sent to the computer. Also, multiple audio channels can be acquired simultaneously in the case of a stereo microphone, or high-density ephys probes. For this reason, such multi-sample, multi-channel data is also typically represented as a 2D matrix of amplitude values, where rows represent channels, and columns represent time.

Exercise 3: Saving a WAV file

Saving a WAV file

  • Insert an AudioCapture source.
  • Insert an AudioWriter sink.
  • Configure the FileName property of the AudioWriter operator with a file name ending in .wav.
  • Make sure that the SamplingFrequency property of the AudioWriter matches the frequency of audio capture.
  • Run the workflow for some seconds. Playback the file in Windows Media Player to check that it is a valid audio file.

Exercise 4: Saving raw binary waveform data

Saving raw binary waveform data

  • Replace the AudioWriter operator with a MatrixWriter sink.
  • Configure the Path property of the MatrixWriter operator with a file name ending in .bin.
  • Run the workflow for some seconds.
  • Optional: Open the resulting binary file in MATLAB/Python/R and make a time series plot of the raw waveform samples.
    • MATLAB: Use the fread function to read the binary file. The source data must be set to int16.
    • Python: Use the fromfile in the numpy package to read the binary file. The dtype option must be set to np.int16.

Exercise 5 (Optional): Record raw data from an OpenEphys board

  • Install the Bonsai - Ephys Library from the package manager.
  • Replace the AudioCapture source by an Rhd2000EvalBoard source.
  • Right-click the Rhd2000EvalBoard operator. Select the Rhd2000DataFrame > AmplifierData member from the context menu.
  • Connect the AmplifierData to the MatrixWriter operator.
  • Run the workflow and check that binary samples have been correctly recorded.

Exercise 6: Trigger an auditory stimulus

Playback an audio file

  • Insert an AudioReader source.
  • Configure the FileName property to point to the audio file you recorded in Exercise 3.
  • Insert an AudioPlayback sink.
  • Run the workflow and check that the sound is played correctly.

Trigger an auditory stimulus

  • Insert a KeyDown source.
  • Set the BufferLength property of the AudioReader to zero, so that all audio data is read into a single buffer.
  • Combine the key press with the audio data using the WithLatestFrom combinator.
  • Right-click the WithLatestFrom operator. Select the Tuple > Item2 member from the context menu.
  • Move the AudioPlayback sink so that it follows the selected Item2 member.
  • Run the workflow and press a key. What happens if you press several keys?

Arduino Acquisition

In order to communicate and interact with an Arduino using Bonsai, you must setup a protocol for sending data to and from your host PC to the Arduino (via the USB cable). This can be a challenging task, as you will see later. Thankfully, Arduino already includes a standard implementation of a very efficient binary protocol called Firmata that can be used for serial communication with external applications.

Configure Arduino for real-time communication

  • Open the Arduino IDE.
  • Upload StandardFirmata to your Arduino. The code can be found in File > Examples > Firmata.

Exercise 7: Saving analog data

Saving analog data

  • Insert an AnalogInput source.
  • Configure the PortName property to point to the correct serial port where the Arduino is connected.
  • Run the workflow and visualize the output of the analog source. What do you see?
  • Optional: Connect a sensor to the analog input pin, e.g. a potentiometer or a button.
  • Insert a CsvWriter sink. This operator records input data into a text file.
  • Configure the FileName property of the CsvWriter operator with a file name ending in .csv.
  • Run the workflow, record some interesting signal, and then open the result text data file.

Exercise 8: Control an LED

Control an LED

  • Insert a Boolean source.
  • Insert a DigitalOutput sink.
  • Set the Pin property of the DigitalOutput operator to 13.
  • Configure the PortName property.
  • Run the workflow and change the Value property of the Boolean operator.
  • Optional: Use your mouse to control the LED! Replace the Boolean operator by a MouseMove source (hint: use GreaterThan, LessThan, or equivalent operators to connect one of the mouse axis to DigitalOutput).

Video Tracking

Bonsai allows processing the captured raw data to extract real-time measures of behaviour or other derived quantities. The exercises below will introduce you to some of its online video processing capabilities.

Exercise 9: Segmentation of a coloured object

Segmentation of a coloured object

  • Insert a CameraCapture source.
  • Insert a RangeThreshold transform.
  • Open the visualizer for the RangeThreshold operator.
  • Configure the Lower and Upper properties of the RangeThreshold to isolate your coloured object (hint: click the small arrow to the left of each property to expand their individual values).

This method segments coloured objects by setting boundaries directly on the BGR colour space. This colour space is considered a poor choice for colour segmentation. Can you see why?

Segmentation of a coloured object

  • Replace the RangeThreshold operator by a ConvertColor transform. This node converts the image from the BGR colour space to the Hue-Saturation-Value (HSV) colour space.
  • Insert an HsvThreshold transform.
  • Configure the Lowerand Upper properties of the HsvThreshold to isolate the object.

Exercise 10: Real-time position tracking

Real-time position tracking

  • Starting with the workflow from the previous exercise, insert a FindContours transform. This operator traces the contours of all the objects in a black-and-white image. An object is defined as a region of connected white pixels.
  • Insert a BinaryRegionAnalysis transform. This node calculates the area, center of mass, and orientation for all the detected contours.
  • Insert a LargestBinaryRegion transform to extract the largest detected object in the image.
  • Select the ConnectedComponent > Centroid field of the largest binary region using the context menu.
  • Record the position of the centroid using a CsvWriter sink.

Exercise 11: Background subtraction and motion segmentation

Background subtraction

  • Create a grayscale video stream similar to Exercise 2.
  • Insert a Skip operator. Set its Count property to 1.
  • In a new branch, insert a Take operator. Set its Count property to 1.
  • Combine the images from both branches using the CombineLatest combinator.
  • Insert the AbsoluteDifference transform after CombineLatest.
  • Insert a Threshold transform. Visualize the node output and adjust the ThresholdValue property.

Describe in your own words what the above workflow is doing.

Motion segmentation

  • Replace the CombineLatest operator with the Zip combinator.
  • Delete the Take operator.

Describe in your own words what the above modified workflow is doing.

Exercise 12: Measuring motion

Measuring motion

  • Create a grayscale video stream similar to Exercise 2.
  • Insert a BackgroundSubtraction transform. Set its AdaptationRate property to 1.
  • Insert a Sum operator. This operator will sum the values of all the pixels in the image.
  • Run the workflow, point the camera at a moving object and visualize the output of the Sum operator. Compare small movements to big movements. What happens to the signal when the object holds perfect still?
  • Right-click the Sum operator. Select the Scalar > Val0 member from the context menu.

Note: The Sum operator sums the pixel values across all image colour channels. However, in the case of grayscale binary images, there is only one active channel and its sum is stored in the Val0 field.

  • Record the motion of an object using a CsvWriter sink.